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Writer's pictureAndy Brown

Landscape Photography Can Be Risky!!

At this time of year, going out on a landscape shoot needs careful planning. Weather forecasts, tides, locations and suitable gear all need to be taken account of before setting out. On this occasion, I failed on two accounts, but more of that later.

Snow was forecast on the moors, a rare event in Cornwall where I live and although the forecast was tentative, I felt I should give it a go. This would also give me the opportunity to scout out an area so I could return later with a particular plan in mind.

So I set off with waterproofs, warm clothes, hat, gloves hot coffee, food and all my camera gear. I even brought the Intrepid 4x5, although I suspected that it would not be good for the windy conditions. My plan was simple: No plan (also the best plan) in other words to just explore until I found some potential present, or future compositions. Conditions were; Bleak, Brutal or Exhilarating (delete as required) with the temperature at 2-3 Centigrade and the aforementioned Brisk Northerly wind along with intermittent sleety showers. It was therefore not a day for long moorland walks, although the nearby Ponies were taking things in their stride. Even they were staying close to shelter, so I did the same. I was fascinated. by the twisted, mossy, lichen covered Oak trees lining the road so I lined up some shots. The light was a touch on the harsh side, so I mostly concentrated on details with the thought in mind of coming back.

The shelter provided by the wall also enabled me to get the Intrepid 4x5 Mk4 out and frame a composition of a tree with a rock in the foreground. This involved the tripod sticking out into the road, but the road was quiet and the one car that passed kept well to one side. I exposed two sheets of Ilford HP5+ and took a little video. More of that in a forthcoming Blog &Vlog. Finally, I spotted some fungi growing from the sheltering bank and took a series of focus-stacked images. I don't recognise the species, so if anyone does, please post your thoughts below. In fact any comments or feedback is always welcome. And finally; as ever thanks for looking, liking or commenting.

Oh and before I forget, the photo of my mud covered jeans indicates that my footwear was not up to the job. The other thing I forgot was my OS map of the moor, which is an essential tool when photographing in what is essentially a trackless wilderness. So, minus two browny points there. Fortunately, I had enough about me not to go far and keep returning to my car when I began to feel cold, which was usually in about 15minutes, even fully togged up.


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